Saturday, May 25, 2013

Out of the Box: Velvet Provocateur Nail Kit

*Product sent to me by Pretty Woman USA (complimentary), solely for review purposes. This review is my own honest opinion.

Remember a while ago when I posted about a certain velvet nail kit from Rite Aid? The idea of velvet on my nails was very intriguing. Well, I finally got to try it out for myself thanks to Pretty Woman USA who was very nice to send me the kits for review.

Let's start with what's inside the kit. 

The kit includes bottle of nail polish, vile of loose velvet, and a small brush. Pretty straight forward.

So how do you apply the velvet on your nails? Let's move on to the application process.

It was actually relatively easy. First you apply the nail polish that's included in the kit. There are 2 different ways to do it. You can either apply 2 thick coats OR  you can first put on a base coat, then go back and apply a thick second coat.

In order for the velvet to stick, you have to pour it over your nail while the polish is still wet so you have to work one finger at a time. Watch the video below to see application process & more.

I actually like the velvet texture on my nails! A lot of my friends noticed and asked how I was able to apply the velvet. If you couldn't see my nails too well in the video, here are more photos:

Without flash

With flash

In natural lighting
So the application process was easy enough, and it held up to water. But how long does it really last? I started to notice the velvet thinning out after 4 days. I wonder if it would have lasted longer if I took more time to apply the velvet. It was also hard to not play with the velvet on my nails, which probably made it fall off faster. In any case, I think this product is different and innovative, and it;s worth giving it a try. 

You can find Velvet Provocateur at your local Rite Aid for $7.99, and it comes in hot pink, teal, and black.

Would you give Velvet Nails a try? Tell me by commenting below =)


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